The first step in performing a team or corporate cultural
assessment is to customise the input forms to include the
required demographics (department, location, etc.) which may be
required for analysis.
The second step is to choose the values to be included for
selection; this will include any sector specific items such as
those for education or finance. Also included will be items
specific to the organisation by virtue of already being a part
of their culture e.g. from the vision statement. |
Next, a briefing session is held if a small team is involved, or
multiple briefings if a larger group involved. An alternative would
be a written briefing document explaining what was taking place,
why, and how to fill in the assessments. The assessments are usually
filled in on the internet but a paper alternative is available if
Finally, the participants fill in the assessments, a process
which takes between 10 and 20 minutes with the whole exercise taking
from 3 to 5 weeks elapsed to inception to receiving the results. A
sample list of values is shown below: