An Individual Values Assessment, or IVA, is a
snapshot in time of an individual’s values and needs to be discussed
and explored to be of benefit. Themes are important rather than
specifics, a few of the pointers from this are shown below
Only one match from this person’s Personal
Values to both their current and desired cultural values
indicating that they are not taking to work as much of their
personality as they could
“Personal Growth” could be being interpreted in
their organisational view as “Organisational Growth”, this needs
to be explored
“Ease With Uncertainty” could be being
translated into “Adaptability”, again to be explored with the
Lack of values at level three, self esteem, can
indicate something missing in this area, or, as was indeed the
case in this specific example, a feeling of confidence in
competitiveness and efficiency
Lack of any personal values at level one,
security, indicate that this could be a blind spot that needs more
focus, or that this area is fully catered for and needs no
There are no limiting values at all which
indicates a very positive outlook
Five matches from current organisational values
to desired organisational values is good, indicating those things
which will be being kept going forward
The focus on levels 5 and 6 would need to be
explored in light of the individuals role and focus of attention
Many other aspects could be discussed with the
individual, more so once the team or corporate assessment has been